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  • 姓  名:徐延浩
  • 性  别:
  • 出生日期:1981年09月
  • 民  族:汉族
  • 籍  贯:
  • 学  位:博士
  • 学  历:博士研究生
  • 职  称:
  • 职  务:教授
  • 政治面貌:中共党员
  • 邮  箱:xyh09@yangtzeu.edu.cn
  • 联系电话:

主要从事植物分子育种研究。入选首届湖北省青年英才计划(湖北省委人才办);2015年荣获“长江青年人才”称号;2018年荣获英国正版365官方网站“领军人才”称号。主持、完成国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发项目子课题等10余项科研课题。图位克隆了一批麦类作物重要农艺性状基因,率先克隆了大麦绿色革命基因sdw1。成功培育了高淀粉酶活性的大麦材料,提出了麦类作物复杂品质性状的分子育种技术路径。构建了大麦和小麦突变体库,拥有丰富的突变体资源。主持选育的长辐麦22(小麦)和长辐啤1号(大麦)通过湖北省2018-2019区域试验。先后在Molecular Breeding、BMC Plant Biology、BMC Genomics、Planta、The Plant Journal、Plant Biotechnology Journal、中国农业科学等国内外期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI、EI收录40余篇。


2019.11-至  今  英国正版365官方网站,教授

2018.07-2019.11  英国正版365官方网站,副教授

2017.03-2018.07  Murdoch University  (Australian),国家留学基金委公派访问学者

2013.06-2017.03  英国正版365官方网站,副教授

2012.11-2013.03  Georgia Regents University(USA),访问学者

2011.12-2012.11  英国正版365官方网站,讲师

2010.10-2011.12  Western Australian State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (Australian),博士后

2009.04-2010.10  英国正版365官方网站,讲师

2003.09-2009.04  武汉老员工命科学学院硕博连读,理学博士

1999.09-2003.06  华中农业老员工命科学技术学院生物学国家理科基地班


湖北省教学成果奖 一等奖 (2018年,排名6)





1.Jia Yong, Selva Caterina, Zhang Yujuan, Li Bo, McFawn Lee Anne, Broughton Sue, Zhang Xiaoqi, Westcott Sharon, Wang Penghao, Tan Cong, Angessa Tefera, Xu Yanhao, Whitford Ryan, Li Chengdao. Uncovering the evolutionary origin of blue anthocyanins in cereal grains. The Plant Journal, 2020,101:1057-1074.

2.Yong Jia, Bo Li, Yujuan Zhang, Xiaoqi Zhang, Yanhao Xu, Chengdao Li. Evolutionary dynamic analyses on monocot flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase gene family reveal evidence of plant-environment interaction. BMC Plant Biol, 2019, 19: 347.

3.Hill Camilla Beate, Angessa Tefera Tolera, McFawn Lee-Anne, Wong Debbie, Tibbits Josquin, Zhang Xiao-Qi, Forrest Kerrie, Moody David, Telfer Paul, Westcott Sharon, Diepeveen Dean, Xu Yanhao, Tan Cong, Hayden Matthew, Li Chengdao. Hybridisation-based target enrichment of phenology genes to dissect the genetic basis of yield and adaptation in barley. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(5).  OI:10.1111/pbi.13029

4.Tan Cong, Zhang Xiao-Qi, Wang Yin, Wu Dianxin, Bellgard Matthew I, Xu Yanhao, Shu Xiaoli, Zhou Gaofeng, Li Chengdao. Characterization of genome-wide variations induced by gamma-ray radiation in barley using RNA-Seq. BMC genomics, 2019, 20(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6182-3

5.Long Z, Jia Y, Tan C, Zhang X-Q, Angessa T, Broughton S, Westcott S, Dai F, Zhang G, Sun D, Xu Y and Li C . Genetic Mapping and Evolutionary Analyses of the Black Grain Trait in Barley. Frontiers Plant science, 2018, 9: 1921.

6.Xu, Y., Zhang, X. Q., Harasymow, S., Westcott, S., Zhang, W., & Li, C. (2018). Molecular marker-assisted backcrossing breeding: an example to transfer a thermostable β-amylase gene from wild barley. Molecular Breeding, 2018, 38(5): 63.

7.Wang, R., F. Yang, B. Li, X. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. Xu, 2018. Optimized western blotting exploration of H3K27 methylation changes under waterlogging in barley. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 2018, 20(3): 609-616. DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0530

8.Weiping Shi , Chenyang Hao, Yong Zhang, Jingye Cheng, Zheng Zhang , Jian Liu, Xin Yi  , Xiaoming Cheng, Daizhen Sun, Yanhao Xu , Xueyong Zhang, Shunhe Cheng, Pingyi Guoand Jie GuoA Combined Association Mapping and Linkage Analysis of Kernel Number Per Spike in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science,2017,8.  DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01412

9.Wang R, Yang F, Zhang X-Q, Wu D, Tan C, Westcott S, Broughton S, Li C, Zhang W, Xu Y (2017). Characterization of a Thermo-Inducible Chlorophyll-deficient mutant in barley. Frontiers Plant science, 2017, 8: 1936.

10.Xu Y, Zhang W, Chen G, Wang J (2017). DNA methylation alteration is a major consequence of genome doubling in autotetraploid Brassica rapa. ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017, 69(4): 689-697.

11.Yanhao Xu, Qiaojun Jia, Gaofeng Zhou, Xiao-Qi Zhang, Tefera Angessa, Sue Broughton, George Yan, *Wenyin Zhang, *Chengdao Li. Characterization of the sdw1 semi-dwarf gene in barley. BMC Plant Biology, 2017, 17(1): 11. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-016-0964-4

12.Chen Guan-Xing, Zhou Jian-Wen, Liu Yan-Lin, Lu Xiao-Bing, Han Cai-Xia, Zhang Wen-Ying, Xu Yan-Hao, Yan Yue-Ming. Biosynthesis and Regulation of Wheat Amylose and Amylopectin from Proteomic and Phosphoproteomic Characterization of Granule-binding Proteins. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6. DOI:10.1038/srep33111

13.Gu Aiqin, Hao Pengchao, Lv Dongwen, Zhen Shoumin, Bian Yanwei, Ma Chaoying, Xu Yanhao, Zhang Wenying, Yan Yueming. Integrated Proteome Analysis of the Wheat Embryo and Endosperm Reveals Central Metabolic Changes Involved in the Water Deficit Response during Grain Development. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63 (38). DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b00575

14.Guo Jie, Zhang Yong, Shi Weiping, Zhang Boqiao, Zhang Jingjuan, Xu Yanhao, Cheng Xiaoming, Cheng Kai, Zhang Xueyong, Hao Chenyang, Cheng Shunhe. Association Analysis of Grain-setting Rates in Apical and Basal Spikelets in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in plant science, 2015,6. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2015.01029

15.LV Rui-hua+;XU Yan-hao+; Rodger Boyd; ZHANG Xiao-qi; Sue Broughton; Michael Jones; *LI Cheng-dao; CHEN Yao-feng. Barley and Wheat Share the Same Gene Controlling the Short Basic Vegetative Period. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(10), 1703-1711 (13) 60351-2

16.Fei, Yang+; Xu,Yanhao+; Huang, Jing; *Li, Lijia. Genome organization and non-colinear distribution of the knob-associated sequences in maize. Plant Omics, 2013, 6(2), 95-99


17.Yanhao Xu, Qin Zhao, Shiyong Mei, *Jianbo Wang. Genomic and transcriptomic alterations following hybridization and genome doubling in trigenomic allohexaploid (Brassica carinata  Brassica rapa). Plant biology 2012, 14: 734-744. DOI: 10.1111/j.1438-8677.2011.00553.x

18.Yanhao Xu, Hong Xu, Xiaoming Wu, Xiaoping Fang, *Jianbo Wang. Genetic changes following hybridization and genome doubling in synthetic Brassica napus. Biochemical Genetics, 2012, 50: 616-624. DOI:10.1007/s10528-012-9505-5

19.Yanhao Xu, Fei Yang, *Xiaohai Tian, Wenying Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang Guohui Ma. Different patterns of transcriptomic response to high temperature between diploid and tetraploid Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(44): 8847-8854.


20.Yanhao Xu, Lan Zhong, Xiaoming Wu, Xiaoping Fang, *Jianbo Wang. Rapid alterations of gene expression and cytosine methylation in newly synthesized Brassica napus allopolyploids. Planta, 2009, 229: 471-483. DOI:10.1007/s00425-008-0844-8


22.李博, 蔡恒奇, 陈功海, 胡倩文, 张文英,徐延浩, 田小海. (2019). 多内切酶组合MSAP分析水稻基因组DNA甲基化. 分子植物育种, 2019, 17(01):155-163.(CSCD)

23.王国荣, 华为, 陈功海, 龙周锴, 李博, 张文英, 徐延浩. (2018). 基于反转录转座子及简单重复序列标记的裸大麦遗传多样性研究. 浙江农业学报, 2018, 30(3): 357-365.(CSCD)

24.李博, 王容, 赵林姝, 刘录祥, 张文英, 徐延浩. (2018). 7Li离子束注入对大麦粒型、品质及遗传变异的影响. 核农学报 32(2): 209-215.(CSCD)

25.侯泽豪, 杨飞, 商水根, 方汉顺, 张文英, 徐延浩. (2017). 丁酸钠和5-氮杂胞苷对大麦、水稻、玉米、小麦种子萌发及芽苗期生长的影响. 江苏农业科学, 45(22), 73-77.

26.徐延浩,侯泽豪,张文英,刘晓雪,杨 飞. 5-氮杂胞苷和丁酸钠对大麦苗期耐湿性的影响,广东农业科学, 2015, 42(24):26-30.

27.徐延浩, *李立家. 花生45S rDNA 和5S rDNA 的染色体定位研究. 武汉植物学研究, 2010, 28(6):649-653.

28.徐延浩, 杨飞, 程有林, 马璐, 王建波, *李立家. 45SrDNA和5SrDNA在南瓜、丝瓜和冬瓜染色体上的比较定位. 遗传, 2007, 29, 614-620. (CSCD)

29.徐延浩, 杨梅, 张运波, 张文英. 翻转课堂模式在《植物学》课程教学中的应用. 英国正版365官方网站学报(自科版). 2018,15(22): 88-90.

30.徐延浩, 杨梅, 张运波, 张文英.国际化背景下《植物学》教学探索. 公司产品论坛, 2017, (3): 126-127.

31.徐延浩, 张运波, 杨梅, 张文英. “两化三主”习题训练强化植物学教学效果. 宁夏农林科技, 2015, 402(10): 82-83.

32.徐延浩, 张文英, 刘晓雪. 基于卓越农业人才培养目标的分子育种课程的整合与提升. 安徽农业科学, 2016(32): 254-255.

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